Friday, April 3, 2009

Zombie Apocalypse To-Do List:

This is my, personal, zombie apocalypse to-do list.

1. Put together a survival kit.
a. matches
b. batteries
c. dental floss - can be braided to make small rope, make a snare, used as shoelaces, used as thread, food slicer, trip wire, make a net, fishing line, etc.
d. magazines/notebooks - can be burned for cooking/warmth, can be crumpled and used as insulation, used as funnel, used as (admittedly poor) megaphone, rolled up and taped or tied to make improvised step stool, bottle opener, improvised weapon, staples can be magnetized and floated on water as a compass, staples can be used to connect opposite poles of battery and start fire, staples can be used as temporary fuses, etc. (Yes, most, if not all, of these ideas came from "Sneaky Uses for Everyday Things". Great book! I really need to get a copy!)
e. crowbar - prop, door wedge, lever, weapon... need I say more?
f. water bottle
g. first aid kit - this is going to have a lot of useful stuff in a nice compact package. Definitely a good thing to have! (Make sure you've got medical tape, gauze, antihistamines, pain killers, antibacterial wipe/ointment/something at least! Finger splints, scissors, and tweezers are also good.)
h. duct tape - what can't it do?
i. plastic garbage bag - improvised poncho, tent, etc. use to hold wet items, use as part of improvised still, etc.
j. sewing needle - just a good idea, okay?
k. (swiss army) knife
l. radio - so you can hear what's going on in the outside world, (if you have a calculator, can also be used as a metal detector)
m. flashlight
n. candles
o. rope - in case the dental floss just isn't sturdy enough
p. elastics
q. magnets
r. markers - in case you need to get messages to other survivors

2. Find John - John is a smart, resourceful guy. He's also an expert at making fire. And his survival instincts are pretty darn good. Wherever her is is probably where I want to be. Chances are he'll probably be barricaded in the nearest Canadian Tire or grocery store. Both have their advantages.

2a. If John's not in the grocery store, pack some food. Actually, pack some food anyway, just in case things go horribly, horribly wrong and I get stuck somewhere else.

3. Learn about the zombies. Find out how intelligent they are, how they think and react. Find out what their weaknesses are and how to exploit them. Try to discover where they came from/how this started. How do they spread/reproduce? How fast can they move? How much punishment can they take? (How much does it take to put one down for good?) Gather as much information as possible.

4. Develop a plan. Based on the information you've gathered, decide how best to deal with the zombie menace. Make sure it's a good one! You're likely only going to get one shot.

5. Act! Quickly. Before they find a way into your stronghold. Or you run out of food. Or water. Or materials. Do something! Make your escape.

Item #2 is definitely the most important! If I can find John then I likely don't need to worry about anything else on the list. He will have supplies and a plan. I just need to stick with him and try to not get myself killed.

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