Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I find Political correctness offensive

Political correctness
As ironic as it sounds, yes. I tend to get fairly annoyed listening to people tip-toeing around trying to be all PC. You know what? Just say it! I mean, rephrasing the odd thing here and there is one thing, but sometimes things just get taken too far.

That guy who cleans toilets and mops the floor at the local elementary school? He's a janitor! Not a "sanitation engineer" or an "environmental hygienist". And the woman who stays at home to look after her kids, do housework, etc.? Housewife! When did people start spouting all this "domestic engineer" nonsense?

Anyway, maybe that's just me. Maybe everyone else is perfectly fine with all this PC terminology and censoring and whatnot. Me? I'd rather waste my time on other things.

Religious zealots
Now this isn't to say I have a problem with people being religious. I'm not particularly religious myself, but that doesn't mean that other people can't be. The problem comes in when people start trying to "save" me or somesuch. That annoys me. I have my beliefs, you have yours, let's leave it at that. Even the saving I don't mind so much if they're gentle about it. If they just offer up a bit of information and share their beliefs, that's not so bad. It's when they get forceful about it that I take exception. Anyway, like I said, long as you're not an over-the-top, my-way-is-the-only-way, fanatical, religious zealot, we're probably fine. And, if you are... well... at least try to find someone who wants to listen before you start "sharing".

1 comment:

fliprushman said...

I'd have to agree on both accounts there. I'm PC but not to the point of retarded. A janitor is a janitor! As for religion, I say it's easier to find god on your own then to have someone shoving it down your throat. If I'm not ready to be saved, don't keep trying. You'll only push me further away.