Friday, April 3, 2009

Thank you, Mom. Thanks, Dad.

If I had to give away a million dollars I'd definitely give at least half of it to my parents. They deserve it. They've worked hard all their lives. They gave up a lot to raise a family. They should be able to have and do some things for themselves now. I'd love to be able to do that for them!
I'd like to contribute to some sort of conservation effort, but I'd have to do a lot of research before I decided which one I was going to give to. I want my money to help the actual cause, not line someone's pockets. I think a lot of these organizations have way too much overhead and not nearly enough of the money is going where it should be. But, if I thought that it would actually help then, yes, I'd donate to a wildlife or conservation effort.
I'd also keep a chunk of the money (maybe $100000) set aside. I'd use it for a couple of things. First of all, to help out or treat my friends when they need it. Nothing huge, just a few bucks here and there if they're ever in a pinch. I'd also like to use a bunch of it for 'random acts of kindness' type stuff. Just walk around town with my pockets filled with loonies. Give one to every kid I see 'til my pockets are empty. Tip the delivery guy with a fifty. Pay for the guy behind me in line (at the grocery store, bookstore... whatever). I'd love to just go around doing random, little, fun things that would amuse me.

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