Sunday, April 5, 2009

Environmentally Concerned

Yes, I am concerned about the environment. Yes, I think it is possible to have a positive impact. Do I think that overall, as a species, we can have a net-good effect? Not really.

Honestly... We're screwed! At this point, I don't think it's a matter of if it all comes tumbling down, but how fast. Now, that doesn't mean that I don't think we should try to off-set it or slow it down a little. Just because I think we've set ourselves on a course to crash and burn, doesn't mean that I think we should take everything else on the planet with us. By all means, we should try to minimize our impact. Maybe we can even put of the inevitable long enough for someone to find a miraculous solution and save the day. Or maybe we'll hit the wall and cause the next mass extinction. Who knows?

Bottom line is: People won't change until they have to. Sure, we'll do little things - easy things - but, the big changes - the ones that really matter - won't come until disaster is staring us right in the face. By then it's 'too little, too late'.

Okay, now that I've gotten the rant-y part out of the way (sorry 'bout that guys), here's how I try to do my part:

Use compact fluorescent lights

Take public transit

Keep lights turned off whenever possible

Wear clothes a couple of times before I put them in the wash



Save and reuse containers

Minimize climate control (thermostat generally stays at 62 F in the winter, 72 F in the summer, and gets turned off all together in between)

Don't spray or water the lawn (This one really bugs me! So what if your lawn has a few weeds in it, who cares?! And the irrigation thing really bothers me. It's such a waste! If it's dry enough that your lawn is turning brown then it's dry enough that we should be trying to conserve water. Heck, we should be trying to conserve water anyway! But especially if there's a drought on.)

Don't buy bottled water

Try to avoid buying large packages containing smaller 'individually wrapped' or 'single-serving' packets (better just to buy the big case and portion as needed)

Anyway, those are my thoughts and contributions, pessimistic and pathetic as they may, respectively, be.

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