Monday, April 6, 2009


So, I Stumbled Upon an article about Friendster the other day... Now, I didn't know much about Friendster, and I didn't really care to find out. I always thought it sounded like something pre-pubescent "cool" kids signed up to in order to show off how popular they were. Not my kind of thing. This reading this article was enough to convince me to take a look at it though. Not because my opinion of the site is any higher, but because it sounds completely ridiculous and somewhat amusing. I must admit, the "degrees of separation" thing also intrigued me. I do like tracing out connections and seeing how things are related, so that bit was right up my alley.

So, anyway, I fill in a profile and register for Friendster. I figure I'll play around with it a bit, see who it connects me to.
Well... apparently, not a single one of my friends is on Friendster. I checked. No one.
So much for that idea!
Oh well.

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