Friday, April 3, 2009

Dungeons & Dragons

So, I went to Gryphcon last weekend. It was awesome! Except I spent far too much money. But there was a lot of really cool stuff there and I had a ball.
I spent $30 to go to the banquet, which seemed a little expensive at the time, but I got four free books out of it, so I guess it worked out okay in the end.

I wasn't actually planning on doing a whole lot at the con. I've never been to one before so I figured that I'd just go and observe for this time. Well, that's what I did for most of the weekend, but... Someone dropped out of the Tomb of Horrors module at the last minute. The DM (that's the guy that runs the game for any of you who don't know) overheard my me and my friend talking about how we might like to try D&D out sometime. Well, after only a little bit of arm-twisting, he talked me into joining his game. I was horribly nervous to start. I didn't know any of the rules. I didn't have a character made up. I felt silly trying to roleplay.
But it wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it was going to be.
The DM let me use one of his characters. I spent most of my time hanging back and watching how the other characters and players worked, did everything in the third person, and didn't worry too much about roleplaying. By the end of the module I was kind of starting to get into it though. It was actually a lot of fun.
Problem is, now that I've got a taste for it, I'm hungry for more. There aren't really any games I can join right now though, being the end of the semester and all. Everyone's wrapping up their games and getting ready to scatter for the summer. I'm probably going to have to wait 'til fall to pick anything up.
That being said, it does look like there's gonna be one game running over the summer. It sounds kind of interesting. It's a self roleplaying game. Our characters are us. They start out with the same abilities and skills that we have and just develop and grow from there. I can't wait to see how that turns out!

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