Sunday, March 8, 2009

If real life had savepoints...

Man oh man, the things I'd redo!

Undo button by dps

Well, the first thing that pops to mind is my attempt to run away from home. That was stupid! Not only was it foolhardy, but it cost me a lot of money and hurt everyone around me. I would give just about anything to be able to erase that particular disaster from my past.

Relationships in first year. I pulled some stupid sh*t in first year. Most of it had to do with boys. Unfortunately some of it ended up hurting them. I wish that I could take it back. It wasn't fair to them. I was just acting the bollocks. No excuse.

Moving out of residence. Residence has it's problems. It can be noisy and distracting. People are always having parties and pulling fire alarms ('cause they're drunken morons!) but it's still probably the best option for living arrangements when you're in school. You don't have to worry about furniture or landlords or transportation. It's simple. It's easy.
But I was so anxious to get out on my own!
I don't even remember why anymore. It seemed so important at the time. Now it just seems silly.
Things might have turned out so much differently if I had just stayed on campus for one more semester...

It would take a small book to properly describe all the things I did wrong on this one.
In short: I panicked, ran off to Ireland, lied to my parents about why I was going and what I was doing. Things started going wrong. My parents tried to step in and help and ended up in the middle of a big mess because I had misled them about the situation. I got engaged. That was a mess and a half! Don't get me wrong, my fiance was a wonderful, loving, sweet, caring guy. It wasn't for lack of love that things fell apart. Things were just poorly handled, all 'round. And the whole thing stressed my parents out terribly and I wish I could go back and spare them that.

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