Saturday, March 14, 2009

100 Vegetarian Things to Eat Before You Die

One kinda led to the other.

Here goes...

1. Edamame
2. Cha Soba
Soba flavoured with green tea powder.
3. Arame
Specific type of kelp as far as I can tell.
4. Earth Balance Buttercream
I don't know what this is and I don't feel like researching it as it sounds brand name and I'm pretty sure I haven't had it.
5. "Homemade" sprouts
I've had plenty of sprouts in my time (alfalfa, broccoli, bean) but I can't say that any of them were ever "homemade".
6. Green Bamboo Rice
Rice infused with bamboo juice. Sometimes used in sushi to lend colour.
7. Absinthe
8. Eat at a raw restaurant
9. Fresh (real) wasabi
No, but I've had plenty of wasabi paste/powder.
10. Deep fried pickle
Surprisingly good.
11. Fiddleheads
A few times.
12. Garlic stuffed olives
Ate a whole jar all by myself. (Not all in one sitting of course. The jar was huge!)
13. Smen
Similar to ghee, but aged and stronger in flavour.
14. Goji Berries
15. Shiso or Perilla
Looks like nettle, tastes like mint.
16. Amaranth
Upon closer examination it appears that amaranth is just a fancy name for pigweed. I didn't even realize you could eat those things! We always just saw a weed and pulled it out.
17. Pomegranate molasses
Well, I've had pomegranate. And I've had molasses. But I've never even heard of pomegranate molasses.
18. Water convulvulus (Water Spinach)
19. Pea eggplant, Thai eggplant, green eggplant, Japanese eggplant, Indian eggplant, Sicilian eggplant...
20. A Zen Buddhist Vegan Meal
21. Kohya Dofu
Freeze dried tofu.
22. Wild Asparagus
When we can get it, yes. A little bit grows right on the edge of our property. Unfortunately people are jerks. I've watched more than one climb the fence, cut it, and drive away.
23. Elderberry
24. Candlenuts (kemiri)
25. Salsify
Goat's beard. Most likely the root of the purple goat's beard.
Haven't had this particular one, but I have eaten dandelions.
26. Nutritional Yeast
Only time I eat yeast is when it's baked into bread.
27. Pandan
28. Roman cauliflower
29. Anything with acorn flour
30. Poi
31. Chaya (tree spinach)
32. Pitahaya (dragon fruit)
33. Asafoetida
34. Fried plantains
35. Basil seeds
I've had lots of basil, but always the leaves, never thought of eating the seeds.
36. Cardoon
Artichoke thistle.
37. Durian
38. Ground Cherry or cape gooseberry
39. Fresh waterchestnut
Waterchestnuts are good, but I've never had a fresh one.
40. Cashew nut cheese
No, 'though I have had Rambol cheese. It's a soft cheese, similar to brie, with walnuts. It's smooth and creamy with a slightly sweet flavour. I've never found anything else quite like it.
41. Nettles
42. Fake duck from a can, tofurky, or any prepared vegetarian product to resemble meat
Veggie dogs, veggie burgers and, on a similar note, soy cheese.
43. Kimchi
44. Masala Dosa
45. Lotus Seed
46. Matcha
47. Loubie Bzeit
Green beans, tomato, and lots of garlic. Sounds pretty good!
48. Quince
49. Blue Potatoes
They're a novelty, sure, but I don't like them any better than other potatoes.
50. Injera
Pancake-like thing. Usually served with some sort of stew.
51. Nasturtium
52. Turkish Delight or Lokum
53. Spruce tips
54. Breadfruit
No, but will hopefully get to try it soon!
55. Mangosteen
56. Swede or Rutabaga
Wow! This made the list? Really? I mean, it's not bad depending on how you prepare it. I always like to add a little to my stews and it's good mashed up with potatoes. But, I have to admit, I'm a little surprised that it's list-worthy.
57. Garlic Scapes
Never heard of these before. Apparently they are "a garlic-lover's nirvana". Guess I'll have to try some.
58. Lavash
59. Candied Angelica
60. Rambutan
61. Sambal
62. Bhutanese Red Rice
63. Candy-cane or Chioggia beets
64. Mango
65. Ras el Hanout
66. Vegan marshmallow
Now there's one that definitely wouldn't have made it on my list!
67. Umeboshi
68. Red Currants
You bet! Home grown too!
69. Puy or French (green) lentils
70. Millet
No, though I do have a couple of recipes that I've been meaning to try that call for it.
71. Fresh Bamboo shoot
Never fresh, only canned or frozen.
72. Jerusalem artichoke
73. Wild strawberry
We were lucky enough to have a few of these growing in our back yard.
74. Jambool
I don't even know what this is!
75. Po cha or Yak butter Tea
76. Adzuki beans
77. Shirataki
Thin, translucent, low carb, gelatinous, Japanese noodles.
78. Manioc, yuca, cassava
In several different forms.
79. Quinoa
80. Ramps
Spring onion.
81. Chufa
82. Purslane
83. Curry Leaves (Kadipatta)
84. Sorrel
85. Sumac
These are a pest! Didn't realize you could eat them!
86. Vegan cupcake
Uh... no. Again, not sure why this made the list. Who cares?
87. Montreal bagel
88. Peri-peri
89. Syllabub
90. Chartreuse
91. Kamut berries
92. Kalamansi Lime
93. Aloe
Never tried it. Mostly because I heard that it tasted terrible!
94. Morels
Very yes! They grow wild around our place and they are lovely!
95. Raw “bread”
96. Dandelion wine
97. Rosti
Potatoes. Good.
98. Loomi
99. Stinky tofu
100. Something grown by you
Yes, lots of stuff. Beans, tomatoes, potatoes, peas, carrots, onions, garlic, corn, pumpkin, squash, zucchini, cucumber, peppers, various herbs, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, radishes, apples, strawberries, peaches, cherries, raspberries, rhubarb, and probably more besides! We also gathered a lot of stuff wild; blackberries, wild strawberries, puffballs, morels, asparagus... And, I know it doesn't really count for the vegetarian list but, we also grow our own chicken, turkey, and beef. We've done ducks, geese, and guinea fowl at various points. And we always used to have our own eggs too. 'Though we haven't had laying hens for a few years now.
So, yeah, I think I qualify on that one.

32 out of 100. Meh.

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