Sunday, May 4, 2008

Getting Organized

So... I've got a to-do list about a mile long, and I seem to be adding items to it faster than I'm taking them off! I'm working away at it though, and I should have everything under control before too long.
Really, I should be working on something productive instead of writing in here, but I just need a bit of down time. I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off all day, and I'm so frazzled that I can barely think straight. I tell myself that a bit of blogging will help me relax and get my thoughts in order so that I can put my mind to something more useful (sooner or later). That's what I tell myself n'anyway.

Once I'm through here, I should probably do a bit of coding. I'm supposed to have a basic, testable demo of my software ready in two weeks, so I really need to get moving on it. And I should probably check to see if registration is open for my courses yet. I have to make sure I get in before they all fill up! I already checked out residence and the financial aid site; it's too early to apply to either of them yet. I'll have to check back in a month or so. But, course registration should be open now. I should look into that either today or tomorrow.

I would like to sit down and write out some Spanish notes at some point too. Figure out if I have any questions, where I should focus next. I think I'm too hyper to do that tonight though. Maybe over the "weekend"...

Outside of that I have a plethora of other miscellaneous tasks to complete.
There's that sock that I've been knitting since before Christmas.
Or the tidying that I've been promising myself I'd do for months now.
The books I've been trying to read.
The books that I said I'd read after I finished the ones that I'm already reading.
And I should really log into my Language and Grammar forum at some point and see how everybody's doing.
Then, of course, there's all the letters and packages that I've been meaning to post. (In the mail, not online!)
And I can't forget good old calculus and Java! Heaven forbid! I hate them both but, alas, they are necessary evils. So, I really should get some practice in on them. Make sure I know how to use them both before I head back to school in the fall.

I guess those are all the biggies. I know there's probably more that've slipped my mind. But, that's certainly enough for now! I think that list will keep me busy for quite a while. What between that and work and the daily grind.

Well... I think that's all the organizing I feel like doing for now. My thoughts seem to be ordered enough at the moment (even if my head is still buzzing a little bit).
I'll be back soon enough. Don't worry.

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