Sunday, April 27, 2008

Picking Up the Pieces

Well... Now that I've made a royal mess of things, it's time to start trying to get my life in order.

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to go back to school or not. I was contemplating contingency plans, in case I couldn't finish my degree.
I got back in, thank goodness!
I just got a letter from the university, saying that I will be allowed to finish my degree come fall. I'll have to keep my marks up, of course, but at least I don't have to start over. At least I have something to go on.
I'm actually fairly excited (if somewhat terrified) at the prospect of going back to school.
I'm really going to have to buckle down. No fooling around. No getting off-track, falling behind. I have to prove myself.
It's a relief to at least know that I'm accepted though. That's one worry off my mind. Now I just need to get residence and tuition fees sorted out. I want a private room this time. And I need to apply to OSAP, see if I can get some assistance with my fees.

I should write to Ciaran too.

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