Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Destination: Panama

So, I think that I may have found the gratest place ever (in Panama n'anyway)!

Playa de Muerto.

It looks amazing! As far as I can tell, it's run by Embera in the Darien. It's a no frills hotel; very remote, very isolated, right on the coast.
You fly into Panama City, then catch another flight 40-minute flight out to Garachine. From here, you spend two-and-a-half hours on a motorized cayuco (canoe) to Playa de Muerto.

Once you get to Playa de Muerto, you're almost completely cut off from the outside world. The only phones in the entire village are two pay phones which are frequently out of order. And Internet service... forget about it! The local language is Embera. Most of the locals speak Spanish as a second language. English is not spoken. The surrounding jungle is completely unspoilt. The standard hotel bathroom is an "Embera-style privy". (Though if you find this distasteful, they can arrange for use of the bathrooms at the local school.) The idea of using a simple outhouse or latrine doesn't bother me in the least (though I might consider bringing my own toilet paper), it's all part of the experience! Right?

I love this idea! I want to go here. I have to go here!

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