Friday, January 30, 2009

Dhammapada: The Man Who Is Awake

"Hard it is to be born, hard it is to live, harder still to hear of the way, and hard to rise, follow and awake."
I just like how this verse feels. I like the repetition in it. And it's true too! It's all well and good to have these ideals, but it's damn hard to stick to them all the time. It's one thing to strive for it, another entirely to actually attain it.

"Yet the teaching is simple. Do what is right. Be pure. At the end of the way is freedom. Till then, patience."
Be good. Such a simple thing. Sometimes easier said than done.
And patience! I have such trouble with that sometimes. I want instant gratification. I don't like waiting. I don't do well with patience.

"Offend with neither word nor deed. Eat with moderation."
I need to work on both of these.

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