Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dhammapada: Flowers

Again, this one didn't speak to me as much as some of the others. It'll be another one that I'll have to come back to later. And... it's quite possible that this one will *never* speak to me. That's fine. Just because I like some of the stuff in the book doesn't mean I have to hang on every word, like every single passage. Of course I'm going to have favourites so, of course there will also be some that I don't like as well.

"Death overtakes the man who gathers flowers when with distracted mind and thirsty senses he searches vainly for happiness in the pleasures of the world. Death fetches him away as a flood carries off a sleeping village.
Death overcomes him when with distracted mind and thirsty senses he gathers flowers. He will never have his fill of the pleasures of the world."
This is just stating that basic goal of throwing off desire, but I like the way it's worded.

"Look to your own faults, what you have done or left undone. Overlook the faults of others."
This, I need to work on. I know I tend to be critical of others sometimes. I need to try not to focus on that so much. I'll work on it.

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