Wednesday, January 28, 2009


So my landlady got me started going to meditation classes at the local Buddhist centre. I wasn't too hot on the idea at first. I was mostly going so that I didn't insult her, not because I wanted to. But now... I've kinda gotten into it. I really like the classes. I feel like a lot of the stuff they talk about is very practical and applicable. I find that it actually does help me deal with day-to-day problems.

I'm beginning to discover that, not only do I like meditation, I like Buddhism. I think it's a really good philosophy. They've got a lot of good ideas. I mean, of course, some of the sects have developed some weird rules and rituals. But the core Buddhist beliefs? Those are gold.

At first I was just going for the meditation, but now I think that I'd like to learn more about the religion (or belief system, or whatever you want to call it) as well. Seems like they've got a pretty good thing going.

Anyway, I'm gonna take it slow. Just keep going to the meditation classes for now. I've done a bit of research on the Internet. I'll probably get myself a few books and read up on things it a bit more detail... I can go from there. Maybe over the summer I can do the Foundation Program at the centre or something... We'll see.

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