Friday, January 30, 2009

Dhammapada: The Fool

"If a traveler cannot find master or friend to go with him, let him travel alone rather than with a fool for company."
I need to learn this. Sometimes I am so desperate not to be alone that I find myself with people I really shouldn't stay with. I want to be liked, I want to fit in, so I modify my own views to better match up with theirs. I don't stay true to myself. I let other people change me. (Not as much as my brother's let people change him, I don't think, but still...)

"The fool who knows he is a fool is that much wiser."
Good advice. Being wrong is one thing, but not being able to accept the possibility that you might be wrong... that just pisses me off.

"Do only what you will not regret and fill yourself with joy."
Another thing I need to learn. Too many times I do things without thinking or looking only to the short term. I end up regretting it later, but it seems okay at the time. I need to learn to avoid these choices.

"Whatever a fool learns, it only makes him duller. Knowledge cleaves his head. For then he wants recognition, a place before other people, a place over other people.
'Let them know my work, let everyone look to me for direction.' Such are his desires, such is his swelling of pride."
Yet more things for me to work on. I might learn, I might do really well. But I am not always as humble as I should be about it. I want recognition. I want people to think I am good. I want them to think that I am smart or wise. I want to be praised. It's really hard not to want that. I think it will take me a long time to purge that from my system.

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