Thursday, February 5, 2009

Home again, home again

Well, I'm back. I finally came home again. I should've been home ages ago, but I just never quite made it. There was always just one more thing, one more episode, one more conversation, one more joke. And then we were tired, everyone gone to bed; can't leave then! So now I've finally made it home. I can finally write in my journal like I've wanted to all along. Funny thing though, I probably won't. I would've when I first got home. I was hyper, full of energy. I would've written, talked to friends, run around, whatever. But now it's been too long. I've stayed up too late... again. I'm tired. My thoughts are sluggish. I don't know if I can write. I'm not sure I want to right now. Maybe I'll just leave it for another time. Maybe I'll just go to bed, try to get some rest. Maybe...

Words, words. So many words. They look so strange all crowded on the page. They seem random somehow. I know that I put them down with specific thoughts and ideas in mind, but now, they just look like a jumble. Not when I look close, obviously. I'm not so tired yet that I've forgotten how to read. I just mean that when I gaze at the page as a whole, I just see these strange masses of symbols. Stretching across the page. They look so bizarre. So strange.

I think I'm too tired to write. I can barely keep my eyes open. My mind keeps wandering and my eyelids keep drooping. I keep drifting off into movies and books and imaginary worlds.
I just did it again!
I can't get a sentence out without sleep trying to take me. I'm fighting it of at every turn. I can't keep it up. I'm going to lose. I'm already losing.
There was something else that I wanted to say. Something about sleeping or dying, I can't remember now.
I think it's time to sign off. Maybe, if I can get enough sleep, I can come back afterwards. (Geeze, I nearly feel asleep not only mid-sentence, but mid-word. Time for bed!

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