Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Why am I so full of desire? There are so many things that I want. I shouldn't want all these things. At the same time though, I do want to have goals, I do want something to strive for. So, what then? How do I handle this? How do I balance it? How much desire is okay? Which desires are okay?

Is it wrong to want sex? Physical contact? And emotional connection? Is it wrong to want success? Is it wrong to want to look better? Feel better? Where should I draw the line? What should I do? How should I handle this?

Should I act on my desires? Or should I just leave things be? I don't know.
Maybe I should try for some and not others, yes?

And why do I keep writing?! This is just useless blather now. It doesn't even mean anything anymore. But I can't stop. I can't put this away. I just have to keep going, keep talking, keep saying something. No point, no progress, no meaning; just words.

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