Sunday, February 1, 2009

Army Fitness

So, I decided to look up the minimum fitness requirements for joining the Canadian Army. Not that I want to join the army or anything. I was just curious. I wanted to know what they considered fit. I'm thinking that I might set that as my goal.
If I'm in good enough shape that the army would be willing to consider taking me, then I know that I'm at least passably fit. I mean, I still won't be in extraordinary shape. But it'll be enough that I can feel good about it. I'll be satisfied.

Now, there are different requirements depending on age and gender. I'd like to aim for the male-under-35 requirements wherever possible. I will make and exception for the running though. I know I don't do terribly well with running, so I'll go for the upper limit women-under-30-acceptable time on that one.

So, here's what they laid out as their minimum requirements:
Push ups - 20
Sit ups - 20
Grip test - 75 lbs.
2.4 km run - 15:00 min
Chin ups - 6

I've rounded up or down on some of these, just to make the numbers a little easier, but that's what I want to go for. Not sure how I'll measure the grip test and I don't really have anywhere to do chin ups at the moment. But I should be able to work on the rest of it easily enough.
Push ups and sit ups I can just do on the floor in my room. I'll have to look for a good place to run, but I'm sure I can sort something out. I'll worry about the other two later. That should be enough to get me started at any rate.

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