Sunday, July 20, 2008

Love Life

I talked to Raul today. He's met someone. They've gone on a couple of dates and it sounds like things are going well so far.

I want to be happy for him. He's my friend, always kind, fun to talk to, and I want for him to be happy. I should be glad, pleased that he's found a nice girl that he likes. So, why did I feel my heart sink when he told me he was interested in someone? Why did it fall a little lower when he said they'd already gone on a couple of dates?

Am I so selfish? Am I so jealous? Am I so insecure... that I can't stand to see him have someone in his life. And, on top of all that, I'm a hypocrite too. 'Cause I'm pretty sure that, were I to meet someone tomorrow, I wouldn't have any qualms about dating them. I likely wouldn't give it a second thought. Yet... I feel such disappointment when I discover that my friend is in a relationship, that he's hoping to be "more than just friends" with this girl. How can I justify that? How can I do the very thing that causes my disappointment with another? Like I said... I'm a hypocrite.

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