Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Darién Gap

So I found yet another great book! I really don't need any more books. I only just finished the two I was reading this past week. Now, all of the sudden, I have two more to read. Not the mention the other 90-odd books I already had on my reading list! But, once I saw this book, I knew I couldn't leave the store without it. I mean... how often do you see a book with the words "Darien Gap" in the title?
I'll tell you this, it's the first one I've ever seen!

You know, I tried to find books on Panama before my visit in March. I couldn't find a single one. On Belize and Costa Rica, there were plenty. Honduras even had its fair share. But Panama? None. The best I could come up with was a travel guide for Central America. I think that book had a grand total of seven pages dedicated to Panama! Maybe eight if you count the map. Unbelievable! How is it that there's not a single book on what is likely the safest, richest, and (considering the Canal) most important country in Central America?

Well, I'd finally accepted the fact that any information I wanted on Panama would have to come to me through the Internet since no one seemed intent on putting the information between the covers of a book... Then, as I'm making my way through Chapters, what do I spy? A book entitled "The Darien Gap". Now this required a closer look!

After searching in vain for a book on Panama, now, all of the sudden, I come across a book dedicated to a single province! And by a Canadian author no less! Incredible!

Anyway, I only just started reading it, but it seems pretty good so far. The main body of the book is essentially a catalogue of the author's personal experiences in the area but, it also goes into the history of the area. Not just politically and demographically but geologically as well. Aside from that, he disperses traditional stories from Emberá and Wounan mythologies throughout his narrative. I have to say, I'm thoroughly enjoying the read so far.

I was concerned at first that I was picking up the chronicles of a pretentious adventure-seeker. One of those intrepid but ignorant fools that dive into some unknown region simply because they're told they shouldn't. Danger-seekers. I mean, there's nothing wrong with a little excitement. I'm all for living and experiencing life. But that doesn't mean that I want to go around being willfully reckless. So, I must say, I was pleasantly surprised when I found this guy to be pretty down to Earth. He traveled in a dangerous area, but he didn't go out actively seeking the danger. His motivation was seeing the land and meeting the people, learning about culture and nature, not thrill-seeking. I like that.

Anyway... Enough of my babbling! I'm going to read some more!

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