Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Barefoot Bliss

I'd go barefoot all the time if I could. As soon as I step inside the house, shoes and socks come off. When I'm home visiting my parents in the summer, I quite often go barefoot outside too. (Unless I'm going back to the barn, of course. I like doing many things barefoot... stepping in cow pies is not one of them.) Unfortunately, when I'm in town, barefoot is not usually an option. Aside from all the things that you might step on, people tend to think you're a little... "off" if they see you running around with no footwear and you're not at the beach. Sigh, oh well.

So, what am I wearing when my feet aren't roaming free? Ninety-nine percent of the time, that's my steel-toed boots. Sturdy, trusty, comfortable. They have to be some of the best shoes I've ever owned. I love 'em!

That other one percent usually falls to either sandals or rubber boots, depending on where I am and what I'm doing.

So, yeah... take from that what you will. If shoes really do make the man, then I'm not entirely sure what that makes me but, oh well.

1 comment:

fliprushman said...

What is it with you women and the disregard for proper footwear? ;)