Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Every kid should learn Respect

There are lots of important lessons and concepts that kids should learn. Unfortunately, not a lot do. Some of these things need to be taught by example. Some (for me at least) will be more of a "do as I say, not as I do" situation. Some things, they may have to learn on their own, in their own time. But parents can still offer advice along the way, and give them the tools they need to build up to the answers.
That being said, what would I teach my kids?

Why? So we don't end up with a generation of disrespectful, sniveling little brats. Wait... whoops! Too late. *sigh*

See above.
Plus, I don't want my kids to be helpless, irresponsible turds. They should know how to take care of themselves at the very least. Know how to maintain things and handle money. Learn to take their lumps and deal with the consequences of their actions. It's all about responsibility

Even if you don't always follow it. It's good to know. "Better to have and not need...", right?

Because it's important to have principles. Doesn't matter whether they come from religion or your own conscience or sense of right and wrong or family values that have been passed down. You should have principles. They should serve as a guide.

Work Ethic/Diligence
I'll not have my children being lazy, listless lumps!

Love of Learning
This is one that really needs to be taught by example. Not nearly enough people (kids or adults) get excited about learning anymore. It's such a shame! There's so much out there! So much knowledge. So much world. We should be discovering it, experiencing it!

There is a surprising lack of basic reasoning skills these days.

This is one that I'm still struggling with.
Balance work and play.
Balance family and social.
Balance flexibility and integrity.
Balance skepticism and open-mindedness.
Balance humour and seriousness.
Balance optimism and realism.
Balance self-esteem and humility.
Balance forethought and spontaneity.
Balance caution and adventure.
Balance candor and civility/courtesy.
Balance head and heart.
And probably lots of other balances besides. It's an important concept.

1 comment:

fliprushman said...

Interesting. I think you could go a little more in depth though in some areas but I couldn't agree with you more. That's why my kids are being set up to succeed. ;)