Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I hung out with the math nerds

I spent most of high school hanging out with the math nerds and computer science geeks and I wouldn't've had it any other way. A few extra years hasn't changed that. I could care less about the popular crowd and the jocks! I'm glad that I didn't fall in with the stoners. I don't have anything in particular against the band geeks or the drama crowd, but I can't really see myself fitting in too well. No, my people were, and always will be the math nerds and the CS geeks. (Although... is there a choice for grammar geeks? or language nuts? or maybe literature fans? I could see myself possibly getting on well with that/those crowds.)

I win at awkward

When have I put my foot in my mouth? The better question is: when isn't my foot in my mouth?

I'm always saying things that can be/are taken the wrong way. Or that are laden with unintentional innuendo. Or have an unintended negative connotation. I just seem to have a knack for it. What can I say? No, wait... best not to say anything at all. Less chance of disaster that way!

Every kid should learn Respect

There are lots of important lessons and concepts that kids should learn. Unfortunately, not a lot do. Some of these things need to be taught by example. Some (for me at least) will be more of a "do as I say, not as I do" situation. Some things, they may have to learn on their own, in their own time. But parents can still offer advice along the way, and give them the tools they need to build up to the answers.
That being said, what would I teach my kids?

Why? So we don't end up with a generation of disrespectful, sniveling little brats. Wait... whoops! Too late. *sigh*

See above.
Plus, I don't want my kids to be helpless, irresponsible turds. They should know how to take care of themselves at the very least. Know how to maintain things and handle money. Learn to take their lumps and deal with the consequences of their actions. It's all about responsibility

Even if you don't always follow it. It's good to know. "Better to have and not need...", right?

Because it's important to have principles. Doesn't matter whether they come from religion or your own conscience or sense of right and wrong or family values that have been passed down. You should have principles. They should serve as a guide.

Work Ethic/Diligence
I'll not have my children being lazy, listless lumps!

Love of Learning
This is one that really needs to be taught by example. Not nearly enough people (kids or adults) get excited about learning anymore. It's such a shame! There's so much out there! So much knowledge. So much world. We should be discovering it, experiencing it!

There is a surprising lack of basic reasoning skills these days.

This is one that I'm still struggling with.
Balance work and play.
Balance family and social.
Balance flexibility and integrity.
Balance skepticism and open-mindedness.
Balance humour and seriousness.
Balance optimism and realism.
Balance self-esteem and humility.
Balance forethought and spontaneity.
Balance caution and adventure.
Balance candor and civility/courtesy.
Balance head and heart.
And probably lots of other balances besides. It's an important concept.

'Proportional' sounds so sweet

I love the way it sounds. Can't explain it, just do.

On a purely superficial level, it sounds kinda cool. Plus, it's a concept that I didn't even realize there was a separate word for until fairly recently.

Such a strong word...

I don't use this one enough.

I could rant about what a wonderful word this is but, for now, I'll just go with: "Fun. Expressive. Love it!"

Just... appropriate sometimes.

Sounds foreboding...

Everyone knows "benediction", but how many know his evil twin?

A throwback to older times, when the four humours still came into the treatment of medicine.

Learned this word in the third grade and loved it ever since.

Right up there with defenestrate.

A million times more fun to say than "exaggeration"!

"If music be the food of love, play on!"

Sounds... sophisticated.

I'm pretty sure that I "adopted" this word some weeks back... Haven't been using it near enough if that's the case.

The wonder of this word brings tears to my eyes!

Sounds dignified. Wait... no, I take it back!

Whoever came up with this word had a sense of humour. Bravo!

I would write more about this word... but I'm suddenly feeling a little ill.

Sounds so... foppish.

I like it. Sounds cool. Even if people do think I'm old-fashioned for using it!

I just like it, okay?

Don't hear this one enough anymore.

Because I tend to be far too verbose for my own good.

Gotta love silent letters!

This is a relatively new word for me...

"I go, and it is done; the bell invites me."

Some would argue that this word is superfluous... I would tend to disagree.

I'm feeling far too listless to provide any more reason for liking this word than enjoying the way it sounds.

I'm sarcastic enough that I should have ample opportunity to use this one, but somehow, I always seem to forget.

I try to use it with style when I can.

"That's my last duchess painted on the wall..."

Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

Just... yes.

I'd use this one more, except people seem to find it unsettling...

Sounds warm and gentle. Lovely.

"An old hare hoar, And an old hare hoar, Is very good meat in lent."

Shall I regale you with tales Of fishes and whales?

High praise to the folks who can pick the Latin root out of this word!

I've been burning to use this word for a while now.

Sometimes it's just the right word.

Not to be confused with "combustible".

Nearly started a fight the last time I used this one!

Makes you feel good just saying it, don't it?

Well, if "salubrious" made you feel good...

Never had cause to use this one ('though "invigilate" does come up from time to time). It sounds cool though, eh?

Hehe, been hearing this one a lot lately...

Think I learned this one from an excerpt from A Christmas Carol.


I need to find more excuses to use this one!

Goes with pugnacious...

I'd list all the reasons why I like this word... but it would take too long.

Another relatively recent addition to my lexicon.

I could give you a myriad reasons why I like this word,

But upon closer consideration

That seems absurd.

In the end, justifications, I need but one;

I like it simply

Because it's fun!

Sounds snazzy, doesn't it?

My physics teacher used to use this one all the time. Great word! Thank you Mr. Klatt!

Because it's too hard to say things with a peach!

Goes with "cacophony"...

I can never seem to slip this into casual conversation... always feels contrived.

Guaranteed to make you feel smarter just saying it!

Last but not least!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bucket List (Extended)

I know, I know! it's been ages since I posted last. I've just been preoccupied with other things, okay? Anyway, at the moment, I'm just catching up on all the Plinky prompts that I've missed in the last month and a half. (I'm gonna be a while!) While I was poking around on Plinky though, I took a look at some of my old posts. Specifically my answer to the "Bucket List" prompt. It had asked for five things that I'd like to do before I "kick the bucket" so that's what I gave, five. Looking at it though, there's a lot of other stuff that I'd like to do. So, I decided to do an update with a revised list. Here goes...

In case you'd forgotten, my first five items were: Hang glide, visit the Darien, see the Outback and the Great Barrier Reef (okay, so maybe that's technically two...), have a house with a library, and get published. I'd expanded on each of the five at the time, but I'm not going to go back over them now. The post should be floating around somewhere in the month of March if you really want a refresher.

Anyway, what would I add?

Learn/improve languages:
I'd like to improve my French and Spanish to the point where I could be considered fluent, or at least very close to. I've also started learning Tagalog recently. I wouldn't mind being fluent in that as well. At least I have native speakers to help me along with the Spanish and Tagalog.
I'm decent with simple Attic Greek at this point, but I still can't handle anything really advanced. I'd like to improve it to the point where I can pick up and read pretty much anything in that dialect and make a decent guess at other dialects as well.
Sanskrit is a root for so many other languages; I think it would be fascinating to learn.
Of course, Old English makes the list! I want to be able to read Beowulf in the original. I want to know where my language has come from. See what it used to look like. See how it's grown and changed over the centuries. On a related note... I'd also love to learn Frisian or Old Frisian. That's where English has its roots, right? I'd love to take it back to the source.
I wouldn't mind doing a few formal lessons in Portuguese... I'm not necessarily looking to be fluent here. I can already read/understand it decently well. I just want to know enough that I can speak it a little bit... string a few sentences together.
On the "If This Hasn't Taken Up All My Time and Brain Power" list: I think it would be cool to learn Afrikaans, ASL, and Yiddish.
I'm sure other languages will occur to me in time. I'll come across other tongues that capture my interest. But those are the ones that have made the list for now.

Earn my black belt
It would feel good to go back and earn my black belt in Karate (or possibly some other form of martial arts).

Learn fencing
I'd love to learn fencing or some other form of swordplay.

Master archery
I've done a little bit, but it's been a few years now, I never went very far with it in the first place and I've forgotten most of what I did learn/practice.

Take a wilderness survival course

I'd love to be able to bind my own books. I've got instructions for it. I know the basics of how it's done, but I've never actually tried it. I think it would be a great way to preserve letters and things that you wanted to keep.

There are all sorts of things I want to see and do. For now, I'm just going to list the countries and the first few things that I think of that make me want to visit them.
Costa Rica - Arinole volcano, rain/cloud forests, wildlife
Argentina - culture (music, dance, food, etc.), Iguazu Falls, penguins
Brazil - Amazon River, Amazon rainforest, wildlife
Chile - Andes
Peru - Machu Picchu, history, culture, wildlife
Ecuador - Galapagos (wildlife!)
South Africa - wildlife, pre-history
Madagascar - lemurs!
Egypt - history, Giza pyramid complex, history, Nile
Kenya - wildlife, volunteerism
Iceland - volcanoes, geothermal energy, history, language, glaciers
Romania - culture, scenery/landscape, history (want to get there before the country changes too much. Might already be too late :( )
Czech Republic - Prague, architecture, history
Greece - history, culture, history!, language, scenery/landscape
Italy - architecture, art, Venice, Florence, Rome, history
Russia - language, architecture, scenery/landscape, culture
China - culture, history
Mongolia - culture, history
Thailand - culture, history, religion, beauty (landscape/scenery)
India - wildlife, language, culture
Nepal - beauty (landscape/scenery), culture, language, history, Kathmandu
Philippines - Xen, language, culture, scenery/landscape
Australia - wildlife!, Outback, Great Barrier Reef, wildlife, landscape/scenery, Sydney, Adelaide, Uluru (Ayer's Rock), wombats, kangaroos, platypus, echidna, camel, emu, koala, bush baby...
New Zealand - hang gliding, rafting, culture, landscape/scenery
Vietnam - beauty (landscape/scenery)
Malta - culture, language
Hungary - history, culture, language
Cambodia - Angkor Wat, history, beauty (landscape/scenery)

Read all the books on my "to-read" list

Become proficient in:
C++, C#, D, Ada, Lisp, Scheme, Haskell, Ruby on Rails, Perl, PHP, SQL...

Pay off my debt
You know? That big, honking debt I'm gonna have once I finish school? Yeah, wanna get rid of that as quickly as possible.

Athens Classic Marathon
I think it would be cool to try... just once. Regular marathons in other places don't really hold any appeal for me. If I wanna walk or run somewhere, I can do that, I don't need to sign up to some big, ol' special event for it. But the historic connection of the Athens Marathon appeals to me. I'd do that. I'm in no shape to attempt it right now, that's for sure! But someday, if I'm ever in Greece, I'd like to try it.

Drive through a redwood tree

Ride a bull
Or at least try to... Alright... maybe just a steer then.
Don't know if I'd manage the full eight seconds. (Haha, that's when you know a sport is hard, when "winning" counts as being able to do it for eight seconds in a row.)

Learn metalsmithing
So freakin' cool!

Attend the Calgary Stampede

Play the cello
I don't mean just draw the bow across the strings. I want to be able to play it well. Get a decent sound out of it. Now that doesn't mean that I have to be expert. But adequate, passing well, would be nice. Cellos have such a lovely, deep sound, so beautiful, I'd love to be able to produce that.

See a Cirque de Soleil show
Just once

Learn belly dancing
Come on! Tell me that wouldn't be fun!

Ride a train across Canada

Learn ballroom dancing
Part of any proper Renaissance education...
Gotta be well-read, elegant, educated, refined...
Should be able to speak two or more languages. Should know how to ride a horse and play at least one instrument. Should know how to fight (with honour). Should know and practice proper etiquette. And... should know how to dance.

Donate blood

Visit all 10 Canadian provinces, all three territories, and all 50 US states

Try some unusual/interesting foods:
fugu (pufferfish), roadkill (just once, just because), moose, cat, dog, kaolin (edible clay), phaal (a very spicy Indian dish), Rocky Mountain/Prairie Oysters (bull testicles), chicken feet, boar, pigeon, quail, haggis (ground lungs, liver, and heart of a sheep mixed with oatmeal and spices and stuffed and cooked inside its own stomach), squirrel, fried twinkie, insects (fried grasshoppers, chocolate covered ants... something like that), sea urchin, sweetbreads (thymus and pancreas of a sheep, breaded and fried), crocodile (curry), absinthe (the real stuff, with wormwood), steak tartare (chopped, raw steak mixed with raw egg, black pepper, and onion), mahi mahi (dolphin-fish != dolphin), polenta (boiled cornmeal dish), soft pretzel, blood orange...